Limestone Cleaning Lincoln Park Chicago


2023 North Magnolia


 Here at 2023 North Magnolia, we performed limestone cleaning of the facade. In fact, this particular home was plagued with biological pollution. We used a specialty restoration cleaner which is made for limestone cleaning by one of the largest restoration cleaning chemical companies in the world. In conjunction with our $10,000 state of the art steam pressure washer, and 30 years of know-how.

We were able to remove about 95% of the pollution, free from the limestone using our process. Our process has been in the works for over 30 years. In truth, our process changes depending on the circumstances. Some of these beauties are also polluted with atmospheric pollution. Needless to say, the customer was very satisfied and that makes us happy.

If you are looking for limestone cleaning in Lincoln. Park and would like a quote or a demonstration please call 312-384-0044